ImtimaDance festival, Tmuma Theater June 2017
Performers and solo creators: Meshi Olinky, M'aayan Horesh, Sharon Ettinson, Or Ashkenazi and Danielle Shoufra.
Light design: Omer Sheizaf.
Photos: David Kaplan and Dan Ben Ari
A dance piece, that was created with the ensemble of the dancers.
Each participant got “instructions” how to make a dance solo, which she had to interpret and create by herself. The instructions limit the action, emphasizing different reactions on the spectrum between resistance and obedience. The specific manual, opposing the individuality of a solo, exposes the tension between dance, generally considered to be an abstract expression, and the tangibility of text. This gap attempts to validate dance, but also to unload it from external charge.
By reducing the means of expression external to the body and the movement, we examine how to execute a statement on stage, attributed to a specific cultural and social context.
In the course of the piece, we try to expose the creation mechanism, and reflect the artistic decisions - not imagery, but the thing itself.
Ten Instructions for Five Solos